Monday, April 13, 2009

What makes a good Project Leader

I was watching one of my new favorite shows, The Celebrity Apprentice, and as the teams have narrowed down to about 4 on each side. I've had a chance to see several Celebrities take the lead as Project Leader. Very interestingly - few seem to do it well. The Celebrities that focus on the task at hand and make that priority, seem to do much better that those that focus on "Being in charge." Funny what we can learn from watching others.

Saturday, April 11, 2009

God loves us all

I went to a Women's Conference today at a large well-known local Church. I'm not very religious although I do consider myself Spiritual. I do believe in the metaphysical. I went to this conference because my daughter, whom I love very much, invited me. Wanting to spend some time with her, I agreed to go. I was a little skeptical of the Speakers in the beginning but after hearing more than four Speakers, I came to the solid conclusion, that no matter what our differences in belief are, they did what they believed in love.

I came away with another reminder that God loves us all. That no matter what we're going through, and what is being broadcast over the news, God loves us all, and we should extend that love to one another. My day in Church was a wonderful reminder that we have to continually love one another and encourage one another.

God, or the Higher Power that you claim, is a positive force who agrees with our best experience.

Love one another and be at Peace.

Friday, April 10, 2009

Blogging Topics

Okay being a Baby Boomer I am trying to figure out all of this technology, I know I really sound old, but I'm determined to understand Twitter, Facebook, Blogging, and the oh so many others I learn of each and everyday.

What baffles me is 1) who's life is so interesting that people log on everyday to hear what they have to say; and 2) who is so bored with their own life that they log on to see what everybody else is doing?

I can't think of anyone, even me, as interesting (LOL) as I can be,, that I want to hear from everyday; and I've had some boring days and I actually do get seeing what someone else is up to as a way to take a break from your own personal reality/drama. So I figure there must be a lot that I still have to learn.

But anyway, how do you manage what to write about, where to post it, who to follow, where to post. I guess these are just questions for me, written out loud, if you will. I've got to go and see what everybody else is doing, maybe I'll learn that way.

So bear with me, Sharon and Tenise, my only two faithful followers to date (lol). I'll get this figured out.

In the meantime, feel free to share any ideas, tips, websites, or how tos that you think will help.

Thursday, April 9, 2009

The Jokester...How to Handle the Kidder

We all like to laugh, it can release tension, change your mood, and shift your mindset. However, sometimes it's not appropriate to laugh, especially in a work environment. Don't get me wrong laughing and keeping the mood light can be a good thing at work. What I'm talking about here is the terminal "Kidder". The person that walks around and it seems that their one mission all day every day is to tell jokes to anyone within earshot, interested or not.

Some people feel uncomfortable telling the "Kidder" that they don't want to hear it, or now is not the time. It doubles in discomfort if you find the humor offensive.

Feigning interest will only work in the early instances. After awhile you may be able to or even feel up to taking the time to stop and pretend to listen. You might be tempted to just ignore the "Kidder" and hope they get the hint. Bad news for you. You're not the first person that has tried this with the Kidder. They've adapted a tough skin and hardly notice that you're not interested.